*Currently we are not hiring for any positions externally*
If you would like to submit a video or audio file of yourself answering these questions, or if you would like to call and leave them in the form of a voicemail rather than typing them into this form, please call 541-505-1139 or email the video/audio file to [email protected]
All are encouraged to apply.
At Daisy CHAIN, we value lived experience and we come from the communities listed below. Preferred applicants will have/have had relevant life experience pertinent to the clients we serve including: identifying with Oregon Health Authority “priority” populations (Black, Indigenous, people of color, and American Indian/Alaska Native people [BIPOC-AI/AN], living with low incomes, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, and people living in rural areas); housing instability or houselessness; pregnancy; parenting; navigating DHS/child welfare; and native language other than English. Some positions will also be trained as a Peer Support Specialist, and folks with first hand experience of navigating addiction, harm reduction, and/or recovery (“substance use disorder”) are highly valued on the team in all positions.
It is important to us that we reach and represent our own communities in all positions and that we offer matched care when we can to our clients who want this.
If you need assistance in completing or submitting this application, or any of the following questions, we want are available at [email protected] *Daisy CHAIN uses a trauma-informed, harm reduction, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, gender non-assumptive, inclusive, person-centered approach in our care, in creating our internal structures, and in supporting one another on the team. We value and support Tribal Sovereignty. We value and support bodily autonomy. Please do not apply if you do not align with these values or if you are not willing to take accountability in continuous learning and aligning your actions to these values.*
*We also value a work/life balance and offer part and full time hourly positions, with 30 hours per week being full time (except currently our ED who is salaried at 40 while we hire additional staff support). We strive to offer fair employment packages in exchange for your time, including: cutting edge hourly rates for a nonprofit of our size; on the job training positions; continued training and professional development for all staff; health insurance benefits; one week paid time off for the whole agency during winter; one paid day off per month; and 4 weeks PTO to be scheduled by employee in coordination with their team (which accrues at hire date and must be used within the year).*
We are looking for are people who are a good match with our values, at a place in their life that they are ready to take on the emotional work that comes with being in this role, someone who is good working on teams, demonstrate willingness to learn and grow, ready to commit to this position, someone who is passionate yet boundaries, and who knows how to care for their needs while working with clients and alongside the team with nonjudgmental compassion. If this is you, what are you waiting for apply today!
**Please note** Some positions are to support culturally matched care and all Dandelion Team positions are for folks with personal lived experience with "substance use disorder” and recovery
Interested in joining the board of directors? CLICK HERE to apply!